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81,500 tons of agrochemical packaging collected in 18 Latin American countries

Posttime: 2023-06-17

Thanks to the management of National Associations through the CampoLimpio program, 81,500 tons of empty agrochemical packaging were recovered in 18 countries in Latin America, in 2022. According to a report by CropLife Latin America, this result recorded last year represents an increase of 5% compared to 2021. According to this non-profit organization, the d...

Iran, India agree on forming joint agricultural co-op committee

Posttime: 2023-06-14

Agricultural officials of Iran and India have agreed to form a joint committee for agricultural cooperation between the two countries within the next three months, Mehr News Agency reported on Saturday. As reported, the agreement was reached in a meeting between Irans Deputy Agriculture Minister Mohammad Mehdi Borumandi and Secretary of Indias Agriculture an...

Brazil Anvisa launches new system for registration of agrochemicals

Posttime: 2023-06-07

The Brazilian Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency) announced a new system for registering components of agrochemicals and the like. As of June 2023, all requests must be made through the system called Solicita. In turn, transfers of ownership to pesticide companies will be automated, Anvisa informed. According to the official Brazilian regulatory age...

U.S. EPA confirms bee-killing neonicotinoid insecticides threaten extinction for more than 200 endangered species

Posttime: 2023-05-09

Three of the most widely-used neonicotinoid insecticides are putting more than 200 endangered species at risk of extinction, according to a new analysis issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA analysis shows that clothianidin, thiamethoxam, and imidacloprid are exacerbating extinction risks for an array of endangered species, including e...

European Commission bans Ukrainian grain export to five EU countries

Posttime: 2023-05-08

The European Commission has adopted exceptional and temporary preventive measures on imports of a limited number of products from Ukraine under the exceptional safeguard of the Autonomous Trade Measures Regulation. These measures are necessary given the exceptional circumstances of serious logistical bottlenecks experienced in five Member States. The measure...

APVMA: Review of guidelines for determining a minor use

Posttime: 2023-05-05

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) is reviewing its guidelines for determining a minor use , to ensure they remain fit for purpose in a modern regulatory environment. Minor use permits are issued by the APVMA to allow for the legal use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals in situations where registration of the product w...

First gene-edited soybean approved by China

Posttime: 2023-05-05

China has approved the safety of a gene-edited soybean, its first approval of the technology in a crop, as the country increasingly looks to science to boost food production. The soybean, developed by privately owned Shandong Shunfeng Biotechnology Co., Ltd, has two modified genes, significantly raising the level of healthy fat oleic acid in the plant. The s...

France reverses course on banning insecticide to allow grain exports to North Africa

Posttime: 暂无

France will continue to export grain to countries in North Africa after the food safety watchdog agreed to roll back a planned ban of phosphine, an insecticide that certain countries require to be used to treat grain before it is offloaded. The agency also announced a ban on a popular herbicide that the EU suspects is carcinogenic. Anses, Frances national fo...


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