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China’s total summer grain output in 2024 increased 2.5% versus 2023

Posttime: 2024-07-25

On July 12, the Chinas National Bureau of Statistics released 2024 statistics on national summer grain sown area, per unit output and total output. According to a survey of the 25 summer grain producing provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in China, the sown area, per unit output and total output of summer grain of China in 2024 are as follows: ...

PMRA approves first herbicide for drone application in Canada

Posttime: 2024-07-22

The use of drones for spraying pesticides on crops is still off-label and not legal in Canada, but its one step closer to becoming reality. Health Canadas Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has approved its first herbicide for drone application in Canada, although its not for agricultural use. Corteva says it has received approval for adding remotely p...

APVMA makes interchangeable constituent determination

Posttime: 2024-06-26

The Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Code (Agricultural Active Constituents) Standards 2022 (the Active Standards) is a legislative instrument made on 10 February 2022 under section 6E of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code (the Agvet Code), scheduled to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 . A draft amendment instrument for...

US EPA marks National Pollinator Week, emphasizing commitment to protecting pollinators

Posttime: 2024-06-21

On June 17, 2024, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael S. Regan issued a proclamation announcing June 17-23, 2024, as National Pollinator Week. This years proclamation underscores EPAs commitment to protecting pollinators from pesticides, including through mitigation measures for several pesticides and the upcoming issuance of the final...

U.S. ag trade deficit doubles, soybean exports to china down 23%, corn down 67%

Posttime: 2024-05-31

The U.S. ag trade deficit continues to grow. USDA is now projecting it will reach $32 billion for fiscal 2024, up from $16.7 billion in FY23. USDAs latest quarterly outlook raised the estimate for U.S. ag imports to $202.5 billion, while the forecast for exports was unchanged at $170.5 billion. Take note: China is projected to drop to third place among U.S. ...

IARI starts sale of imazethapyr tolerant Basmati rice varieties

Posttime: 2024-05-23

Pusa Institute has initiated the seed sale of RobiNOweed Basmati Rice Varieties tolerant to Imazethapyr 10% SL for Direct Seeded Rice cultivation. The two basmati varieties tolerant to Imazethapyr are Pusa Basmati 1979 and Pusa Basmati 1985. These two varieties being tolerant to the broad-spectrum herbicide, Imazethapyr 10% SL will be helpful in the effectiv...

China approves first gene-edited wheat in step to open up GM tech to food crops

Posttime: 2024-05-20

China has approved the safety of gene-edited wheat for the first time as Beijing cautiously moves forward with commercial growing of genetically modified food crops. China has in the past year ramped up approvals of genetically modified (GM) corn and soybean seeds that are higher-yielding and resistant to insects and herbicide to secure its food security, bu...

Argentina announces fewer taxes for herbicide importation

Posttime: 2024-04-12

The Argentina government announced a reduction in taxes for the importation of herbicides, a measure announced by the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, aiming to favor agriculture. The changes include significantly reducing tariffs for herbicides formulated with Atrazine, Glyphosate, and 2-4-D. According to the announcement, import tariffs will be reduced fr...


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